Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

RUZH Pusat Informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir

RUZH Pusat Informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir

Lowongan SCTV | PT.Surya Citra Televisi

Posted: 04 Jun 2011 10:32 AM PDT

SCTV | Surya Citra Televisi is one of the national television station that has the vision and mission: SCTV VISION Being a leading television stations which contribute to nation building and empowering its life. MISSION SCTV Build a network SCTV as the leading private television station in Indonesia with: Provide a variety of programs that creative, innovative and quality that builds the

Lowongan RSCM | Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 08:11 PM PDT

RSCM | RS.Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo is the National Referral Hospital Center, which continues to provide quality and affordable health care. In order to develop At Jakarta Pusat HOSPITAL LABOR needed as follows. Special Conditions: Able to speak English (active), MS-Office/Access, Internet. Code: SA (S1/S2 Manaj) TOEFL 450 plus General Terms: Indonesian Citizen (WNI) At least 1 year work

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