Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

RUZH Pusat Informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir

RUZH Pusat Informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir

Lowongan Kerja Bank BPRKS

Posted: 23 Jul 2011 07:39 AM PDT

Lowongan kerja Bank BPRKS. PT. BPR KARYAJATNIKA SADAYA established on 14 September 1990 based on the Deed made ​​by the notary Imas Tarwiyah Soedrajat, SH, based in Bandung regency, with the capital at that time amounted to Rp. 250.000.000, - (two hundred and fifty million rupiah). Seeing its potential, then in 1999 moved PT. BPR Karyajatnika Sadaya apply to the Municipality of Bandung address.

Lowongan Kerja Heinz ABC Indonesia

Posted: 23 Jul 2011 07:22 AM PDT

Lowongan Kerja ABC Heinz. Heinz ABC Indonesia, subsidiary of US based global food giant, HJ Heinz Co Limited. HJ Heinz Co Limited is 140 years old with iconic global brands, including Heinz, Smart Ones, Ore-Ida, Boston Markets, Walties, ABC and many others. Our products delight consumer's everyday and everywhere around the world and it is what makes Heinz a successful corporation. Heinz ABC

Lowongan Kerja Kopkar BSM (Bank Syariah Mandiri)

Posted: 23 Jul 2011 02:08 AM PDT

Lowongan Kerja Kopkar BSM (PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) was established in the Republic of Indonesia on August 10, 1973 under the name PT Bank Susila Bhakti, a subsidiary of the ex-legacy BDN, based on notarial deed No.. 146 of R. Soeratman, SH The company name changed several times, last by notarial. 23 of Sutjipto, S> H, 8 September 1999, renamed PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. The company maintains

Lowongan Kerja RSUP Kariadi Semarang

Posted: 22 Jul 2011 11:54 PM PDT

Lowongan Kerja RSUP Kariadi Semarang. General Hospital Physicians Center Kariadi is an Indonesian government-owned hospital in Semarang, Central Java. In the implementation of medical education, Dr Kariadi Doctors affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University, Semarang. Structurally, RSUP. Kariadi a Technical Implementation Unit in the Ministry of Health which is subordinate

Info Penerimaan Dokter PTT Pusat Periode Oktober 2011

Posted: 23 Jul 2011 08:50 AM PDT

PENGUMUMANRENCANA PENERIMAAN DOKTER & DOKTER GIGI SEBAGAI PTT PUSATUNTUK MENGISI SARANA PELAYANAN KESEHATANDI DAERAH TERPENCIL DAN SANGAT TERPENCILTMT 01 OKTOBER 2011 1. PERSYARATAN : Warga Negara Indonesia Bersedia ditugaskan di falisitas pelayanan kesehatan kriteria terpencil dan sangat terpencil dengan lama penugasan selama 1 (satu) tahun. Dokter/dokter gigi PTT diberikan gaji dan insentif

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