Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Informasi Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 24 Oct 2011 08:09 AM PDT


A 5 star legendary hotel in Surabaya known for its luxurious rooms, lush gardens and tranquil ambience, is currently offering the opportunity to highly committed individuals who would like to express their professionalism to grow career path with us for the following positions:


1. Duty Manager (Front Office)

2. Chief Steward (F & B)

3. Fitness Instructor (Health Club)



- Experience in the same field min. 2 – 5 years within reputable 4 or 5 star hotel

- Good command in English both written and oral

- Mature and dynamic person, good communication skill and kind personality

Please send a fully detailed application together with comprehensive curriculum vitae and recent photograph, attention to:



Jl. Tunjungan no. 65 SURABAYA

email:  recruitment@hotel-majapahit.com

website: www.hotel-majapahit.com




Kind regards,


Dessy Oktora

Personnel Manager


Hotel Majapahit  «««««

Jalan Tunjungan 65

Surabaya 60275


Phone : +62 31 5454 333

Fax     : +62 31 5454 111


website: www.hotel-majapahit.com

tumblr: hotel-majapahit.tumblr.com

Follow us on Twitter: @MajapahitHotel







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Di butuhkan segera waiter/ss sebanyak banyaknya

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 07:52 AM PDT

Di butuhkan segera waiter/ss sebanyak banyaknya pengalaman tidak di butuhkan mau kerja keras, disiplin ,serta penampilan menarik hub 703296 atau 737305 paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan di terbitkan Management


Posted: 24 Oct 2011 07:49 AM PDT

PLataran Borobudur Resort & Spa a 17 exclusive villas on the door step of great Borobudur temple is currently seeking for high talented individual with relevant skills and experiences, pleasant personality and able to interact well with guests and peers, working on a friendly environment where everyone is part of the family.




  • Minimum one year experience within the same capacity
  • English both oral & written is a must
  • Excellent leadership skill
  • Pleasant looking & Gracious


Should you interested, please send your resume and recent photograph to erwin@plataranborobudur.com


For more information on the resort, please visit www.plataranborobudur.com


Posted: 21 Oct 2011 08:26 AM PDT

@CG_Training       C&G Training Network      CGTrainingNetwork




C&G Training Network mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti Training:

Korespondensi Bahasa Indonesia


Pada hari: Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

 pukul: 09.00 – 17.00

di C&G Training Network

Graha Mustika Ratu Lt. 6

Jl. Gatot Soebroto 74-75, Jakarta 12870


Investasi: Rp 1.300.000/orang/program,

termasuk handout materi, sertifikat, 2x coffee break, lunch.

Diskon 15% untuk pemegang member card C&G Training Network

Diskon 10% untuk pendaftaran seminggu sebelum training, ATAU

cukup membayar Rp 1.000.000/orang untuk pendaftaran minimal

3 orang dari satu perusahaan untuk 1 program yang sama.


Salah satu tugas dari seorang sekretaris adalah berhubungan dengan orang lain.

Tentu tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa dalam berhubungan tersebut tidak hanya

dilakukan secara tatap muka (face to face), namun juga dilakukan melalui

korespondensi (surat-menyurat). Dalam training ini akan dipelajari secara rinci

bagaimana teknik berkoresponden yang baik dan benar. Diharapkan setelah

mengikuti training ini, para peserta dapat menguasai semua aspek yang

berkaitan dengan korespondensi sehingga hal ini dapat mendukung kinerja kerja

mereka untuk dapat menghasilkan performa kerja yang lebih prima.


Materi bahasan:

1.   Pengertian, fungsi dan bagian-bagian surat

2.   Model Surat

a.    Surat Perintah

b.   Surat Pengumuman

c.    Surat Edaran

d.    Nota Dinas

e.    Memo / Memorandum

3.   Bahasa Surat (Jelas, Lugas, Ringkas, Sopan, Komunikatif)


Target peserta: Executive Secretary, Senior Secretary.


Metode training: Pembahasan konsep, latihan.




Tamsil Zainal, Master di bidang Communication Management dari Universitas

Indonesia ini berpengalaman praktis di berbagai perusahaan multi nasional,

antara lain IBM Indonesia, Barclays Bank PLC, Reuters PLC, Bank of America,

Bank of Boston, Bank of New York. Jabatan terakhirnya di bidang perbankan

adalah sebagai Vice Presiden and Client Executive the Bank of New York Jakarta.

Pengalaman mengajar telah digelutinya lebih dari 5 tahun. Bidang yang dikuasainya

antara lain Business Communications, Developing Internal Customer Relations,

International Funds Transfer, Sales Presentation & Negotiation Techniques, Technical

Report Writing, Problem Solving & Decision Making, International Remittance, Technical

Presentation, Sales Through Services, Interpersonal Skills in International Setting, Selling

Skills, Presenting Ideas, Training for Trainers, Public Speaking, Account Officer Roles &

Responsibilities, Marketing International Banking Services, Trade Finance, Jasa Valas, dll.


C&G Training Network mengucapkan terima kasih kepada perusahaan-perusahaan

yang telah mempercayakan pelatihan karyawannya kepada kami, yaitu:

PT. Nutrisari Indonesia, PT. Tropicana Slim Indonesia, PT. Cyberindo Aditama,

PT. Dexa Medica, PT. German Centre Indonesia, PT. Mid Plaza Prima, PT. Surveyor

Indonesia, Bank Commonwealth, PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk., Bank Bukopin,

PT. Sony Electronics Indonesia, PT. Sun Life Financial Indonesia, PT. A.J Sewu

New York Life, PT. Asuransi Multi Artha Guna, PT. Bank UOB Indonesia,

Hotel Menara Peninsula, PT. Merck Tbk, PT GS 1 Indonesia, PT Sucofindo (Persero),

PT Epson Indonesia, PT Agung Concern, dll.


Inilah komentar sebagian di antara para peserta training:

1. Materi yang dijelaskan simple, sederhana dan mudah untuk dimengerti

    (Lukmanul Hakim, PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga).

2. Detail, mudah dimengerti, berhubungan dengan kejadian sehari-hari

    (Yuliana Dewi Anggraeni, PT. Donaldson Filtration Indonesia)

3. Baik, tidak membosankan dan mudah dimengerti (Fendy, PT. Pukka Indonusa)

4. Peserta bisa memahami serta menjalankan apa yang sebaiknya untuk

    perusahaan tempat bekerja (Linda Serly Lampus, PT. Jaga Citra Inti)

5. Tidak monoton, trainernya sangat antusias dalam memberikan materi

    (Cut Rosalia Malahayati, PT. Agung Concern).

6. Menambah wawasan dan edukasi tentang pelayanan (Robith Isnaini,

    PT. Epson Indonesia).

7. Penyampaian padat, artikulasi jelas dan sangat detail (Dewi Wulan A.,

    PT. Bhum Mulia Prima).

8. Penyampaian materi mudah dimengerti dan praktis (Ali Fauzan, PT. Agung Concern).

9. Komunikatif, banyak contoh-contoh (Nita Prasetyo, PT. B&E Powernash)

10. Metode pelatihan baik, materinya sudah mencakup semua masalah

      (Supihastuti, PT. Duta Laserindo Metal).



C&G Training Network

Graha Mustika Ratu Lt. 6

Jl. Gatot Soebroto 74-75

Jakarta 12870

Tel. 829.8802, 829.8803, 829.8879

Fax: 829-8880

Website: www.cgtrainingnetwork.com,



Training lain di JAKARTA

Oktober 2011

3 Oktober: Telephone Technique and Courtesy

5-6 Oktober: Effective Internal Quality Audit

6-7 Oktober: Teknik Penulisan Proposal dan Laporan

10-11 Oktober: Annual Sales & Marketing Plan

12 Oktober: Recruit, Interview & Selection Tehcniques

14 Oktober: Professional Negotiation Skills

17 Oktober: Advanced Warehouse Management

19 Oktober: Filing Management

20-21 Oktober: How to be an Excellent Branch Manager

21Oktober: Professional Call Center Officer

24 Oktober: Professional Supervisory Skills

25 Oktober: Smart Selling Skills

26-27 Oktober: Production Planning & Inventory Control (PPIC)

31 Oktober: Office Management


November 2011

2 November: Dynamic Interpersonal Communications Skills

3 November: Managing Conflict & Handling Difficult People

4 November: Staff Development Program

7-8 November: Procurement Fraud

9 November: Manajemen Pembelian

10-11 November: Business Plan & Budgeting

14 November: Training for The Trainer

15-16 November: ISO 14001, Environmental Management System

18 November: Best Practice Payable Management

21 November: Administrasi Keuangan

22-23 November: Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi

25 November: How to Write Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

28 November: Communications Skills for Customer Service

30 November: Effective Leadership


Special Program

Program Office Secretary – Batch 7
Weekend Class
Hari: Sabtu

Pukul 09.00 – 16.00

12 sesi @ 6 jam, selama 3 bulan

Start: 15 Oktober 2011

Investasi: Rp. 3.000.000/orang
Early Bird: Rp. 2.750.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum 8 Oktober 2011

Discount 15% untuk pemegang member card C&G Training Network
Harga sudah termasuk handout materi, sertifikat dan makan siang


Certificate of Finance and Administration Management – Batch 12

After Office Hour Class
Hari: Selasa & Kamis

Pukul 18.00 – 21.00

16 sesi @ 3 jam, selama 2 bulan

Start: 4 Oktober 2011
Investasi: Rp. 3.500.000/orang
Early Bird: Rp. 3.250.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum 27 September 2011

Discount 15% untuk pemegang member card C&G Training Network

Harga sudah termasuk handout materi dan sertifikat


Dicari Engineering dan Driver Berpengalaman

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 08:24 AM PDT

Dicari teknisi yamaha berpengalaman 5 tahun di bidangnya dan driver berbahasa inggris untuk water sport company, kirim cv ke rip curl school of surf atau kirim via email ke jobs@ripcurlschoolofsurf.com Terima kasih. Indah

Urgently Required ! Assistant Sales Manager

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 08:23 AM PDT

Dear Colleagues,

Kindly please be assisted to disseminate this vacancy that The Sandi Phala Hotel & Ma Joly Restaurant Tuban, is currently seeking a potential candidates for :

                 Assistant Sales Manager

With basic requirements :
~. Able to join immediately
~. Having 2 years experience in related apply position
~. Having skill in handling MICE & events properly
~. Having good relation with corporate & travel agents
~. Good in working with target & result oriented
~. Good communication, presentation & interpersonal skill
~. Good appearance & attractive

Interested candidates are invited to submit the application with recent photograph to :
Human Resources Department
The Sandi Phala Hotel & Ma Joly Restaurant
             Jl. Wana Segara Tuban, Bali – Indonesia
                 E-mail : heffy@manikamhotels.com
                     Phone : (62) 361  753780
                      Fax     : (62) 361  753781

Kind regard’s
Heffy  R.

Vacancy in Quest Tuban Managed by Aston

Posted: 03 Oct 2011 09:23 AM PDT

[Attachment(s)from Maria Rosalin included below]

Dear All,
Aston International, one of the fastest growing hotel management companies in South East Asia is now inviting applications for the following positions in Quest Tuban Kuta located in Bali:
Executive Secretary
Front  Office Manager
Executive Housekeeper
FO Supervisor
HK Supervisor
Director of Sales
FO Supervisor / Night Audit
Order Taker
Sales Administration
Public Area Supervisor
Sales Executive
Driver / Bellman Spv.
Room Attendant
Reservation / Telephone Operator

Driver / Bellman
Spa Therapist
Gardener / Pool Cleaner
Human Resources Manager
FB Manager
Linen Attendant
HR & Training Officer
Rest Spv.
Florist / Decorator
Chief Security
Chief Engineer
Chief Accountant
Engineering Secretary
Accountant (Cost Cont., AP & GL)
Junior Waiter
Engineering Supervisor
General Cashier & Purchasing
Cashier / Greeter
General Maintenance
AR, Income
IT Officer
Head Chef
Purchasing Spv.
Chef de Partie
Receiving Clerk
Pastry Cook
Cook Helper
Steward Spv.
•  Relevant educational background with the position being applied
•  Possess a good communication skills
•  Excellent attitude, strong interpersonal, have leadership skills
•  A minimum of 1 years experience in a similar position in 3, 4 or 5 star hotels
•  Good command in both written and spoken English, and computer literate
A complete Curriculum Vitae and recent color photograph together with the salary expectation and Application Code, should be sent to:
All applications will be treated confidentially & only qualified candidates will be notified

Karma Estates

Posted: 03 Oct 2011 09:19 AM PDT

Karma Estates


  1. Very good English
  2. Above average computer literacy
  3. Organised
  4. Smart appearance


Please send your CV today to recruitment@karmaroyalgroup.com

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted


Various vacancy at Swiss-Belinn Pekan Baru (Opening Team)

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 03:00 AM PDT

Swiss-Belinn Pekan Baru, a new three-star international hotel located in the heart of commercial area in the vibrant city of Pekan Baru and adjacent to the biggest shopping mall in the city, is currently looking for:
- Front Office Manager
- Exec. Housekeeper
- Acct. Manager
- Chief Engineer
- Sales &Marketing Manager
- F&B Manager
- HR Manager
Please send your applications to :
Deddy Sasmita – General Manager
Swiss-Belinn Pekan Baru
cc to:

Job Vacancy : Housekeeping

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:58 AM PDT



Danoya Villa Private Luxury Residences in Seminyak Looking qualified candidates for the following position to join our team :



  • Housekeeping

-       Female

-       Max. 28 years old

-       Tourism School Background Min. D1

-       Having minimum 1 year experience

-       Able to work individual and team

-       Good personality and English



Please send your application, complete CV and recent photograph to hrd@danoya.com




Thank You,



Diana Asian Siregar

Human Resources Department


DANOYA VILLA – Private Luxury Residences

jalan batubelig no 559 . kerobokan . kuta 80361

bali . indonesia

tel.    +62 361 735305

fax.   +62 361 733372

email.    hrd@danoya.com





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