Selasa, 18 September 2012

Info Lowongan

Info Lowongan


Posted: 18 Sep 2012 01:40 PM PDT



Kriteria :


1.      Laki-laki / Perempuan

2.      Usia max 28 tahun

3.      Pendidikan min. SMK Jurusan Akutansi

4.      Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Admin Finance

5.      Dapat melakukan  proses Jurnal pembayaran dari customer dan tagihan vendor, proses penagihan, rekonsiliasi Bank dan membuat laporan pajak pph pasal 21, pasal 23 dan pasal 15

6.      Lebih diutamakan yang menguasai SAP


Jika anda berminat silahkan kirimkan Lamaran & CV anda melalui email ke : dengan kode lamaran "FA nama anda" paling lama kami terima tanggal 20 September 2012.





Posted: 18 Sep 2012 01:39 PM PDT


Kami adalah salah satu Perusahaan Besar yang  bergerak di bidang  Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang sedang berkembang di wilayah Kalimantan timur khususnya, kami membuka kesempatan bagi anda profesional muda untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :







Kualifikasi Umum :

·                     Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidangnya

·                     Pendidikan min D3/S1 Ekonomi/Akutansi (ACC),Hukum ( LEGAL ),

·                     Jujur,Disiplin & Bertanggung Jawab

·                     Umur Maximal 30 Tahun untuk LEGAL & ACCOUNTING

·                     Mahir menggunakan computer & Internet

·                     Menguasai program ARCVIEW GIS 3.3 dan mampu mengoperasikan GPS untuk ( G.I.S )

·                     Mampu bekerja sama dalam Team & Individu

·                     Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan

·                     Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh lokasi perusahaan Kalimantan Timur ( kebun)


Kirimkan CV lengkap dengan pas foto terbaru Ke alamat :

PT. Gawi Makmur Kalimantan ( Gawi Plantation )

JL. MT. Haryono Ruko Palace No. 16 – 17

Tlp : 0542-872954

Atau Ke alamat Email :


Posted: 18 Sep 2012 01:38 PM PDT

Salah satu Distributor Consumer Goods Procter & Gamble (P&G) yang terbesar di Kalimantan dan berkembang pesat dengan Visi menjadi Distributor No 1. di kalimantan, membuka peluang bagi anda untuk penempatan di Balikpapan :
Operational Supervisor (OS)
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab :
·         Memimpin langsung semua eksekusi operational day-to-day operasional logistik : mencapai target inventory (Days On-Hand, Customer Service Level, Inventory Record Acuracy), mencapai target On Time Delivery.
·         Memimpin langsung semua eksekusi operational day-to-day Operasional finance : mencapai target Account Receivable (AR), mencapai target Cost (Warehouse & Delivery Cost, NRA Budget).
·         Memberikan motivasi dan kemampuan di dalam mengarahkan seluruh staff operasional untuk mencapai target yg telah ditetapkan.
·         Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengembangan dan evaluasi model KPI seluruh staff operasional, termasuk aktual pencapaiannya setiap bulan.
·         Berperan aktif dalam menciptakan sebuah system kerja yang responsive untuk mencapai measures yang tertuang di dalam Sales Action Plan secara lebih efektif dan efisien.
Kualifikasi :
·         Usia maksimal 35 tahun
·         Pendidikan minimal Sarjana segala jurusan
·         Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun pada posisi yang sama
·         Memilki knowledge tentang kebijakan dan prosedur finance dan logistik
·         Kemampuan memimpin team
Kirimkan Resume & CV. Dan cantumkan kode Lamaran diatas amplop kanan, tujukan ke alamat :
PT. laut Timur Ardiprima
JL. Soekarno Hatta KM.5,8 No.48 RT.30, Kel. Batu Ampar, Kec. Balikpapan Utara 76126
Atau email ke :

Boart Longyear Vacancy

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 01:38 PM PDT

Boart Longyear ( has been a leading provider of drilling products and services to the global minerals industry for over 120 years. As the industry s only integrated drilling services and products provider, we combine 24-hour engineering excellence, global manufacturing facilities and the most experienced drilling services group in the business. We have a strong reputation as an employer of choice and are looking for capable professionals to grow their careers with us. We have new project at Sulawesi and need more people to join with us as:

1.       Driller

·         Minimum 10 years experiences in operating the Drill Rigs, particularly RIG type : LF 70, LF 90

·         Preference will give to those who currently holding this position in the mineral drilling industry.

·         Education level minimum SMA / STM.

·         Familiar with EHS & other environment rule & regulation.

2.       Assistant Driller

·         Minimum 5 years experiences in operating the Drill Rigs, particularly RIG type : LF 70, LF 90

·         Preference will give to those who currently holding this position in the mineral drilling industry.

·         Education level minimum SMA / STM.

3.       RC Driller

·         Minimum 5 years experiences in operating the Drill Rigs, particularly RIG type UDR 1000, UDR 650 & SCHRAMM.

·         Preference will give to those who currently holding this position in the mineral drilling industry.

·         Education level minimum SMA / STM.

·         Familiar with EHS & other environment rule & regulation.

In order to apply for this position, applicants MUST meet our qualification. If your resume does not match these criteria, you will not be able to apply for this position.

A competitive remuneration package will be negotiated with the right candidate, commensurate with qualifications/experience. Interested candidates should send a comprehensive resume, with the position you apply in the subject of your email much preferably in Word Format.

Please send in your detailed resume, including your recent photograph, stating your current and expected salary to:




Thanks & Best Regards,


Ira Puspita Wardhani

Recruitment Specialist


Jl. Suci No.12B Susukan, Ciracas

Jakarta Timur 13750 - Indonesia

Tel: +622187798007

Fax: +622187795255



Take the next step in your career and follow us on:   



Posted: 18 Sep 2012 01:36 PM PDT



Posisi Kode Posisi

Persyaratan :
• Pendidikan minimal S1 untuk Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro/Teknik Informatika
• Laki-laki, Usia max. 29 tahun
• Menguasai Hardware & Software komputer (server dan operating system) Network
• Mengerti Network/Jaringan/LAN
• Dapat mengoperasikan MS Office
• Pengalaman kerja tidak diutamakan , Fresh Graduate diperkenankan melamar
• Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
• Mampu bekerja dalam tim
• Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi penerimaan karyawan lebih lanjut.

Surat lamaran dilampiri CV, fotocopy ijasah, fotocopy transkrip akademik, fotocopy KTP, pas photo berwarna ukuran 4 x 6

melalui email : ATAU


Panin Bank
KCU Balikpapan

Lowongan Manager

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:26 AM PDT

PT. Ersihan Satyapratama Salah satu perusahaan pelayaran terbesar di Indonesia dengan mengoperasikan kapal Tug Boat & Barges, Shipbuilding & Services. Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional untuk menempati posisi :

(Kalimantan Timur - Samarinda)


Usia max 45 tahun
Berijasah Mininal S-1
Mampu mengoperasikan Computer Minimal MS Office
Pengalaman menangani Perusahaan Pelayaran
Memahami manajemen kepelabuhanan
Memahami manajemen operasional kapal
Berpikir analisis, perencanaan dan pengorganisasioan, pengawasan, pengembangan orang lain dan pengambilan keputusan
Integritas, inisiatif dan berorientasi kepada pelayanan
Domisili di Samarinda

Lamaran lengkap ditujukan ke:

HRD Manager

Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 30-30A Surabaya

Jl. R.E. Martadinata 7 Samarinda



Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:25 AM PDT

INDOGROSIR (Pusat Perkulakan) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang retail Perdagangan barang kebutuhan sehari-hari dan saat ini telah mempunyai 9 cabang di Jawa dan Sumatra. Untuk pembukaan cabang baru di Samarinda, kami membutuhkan kandidat tenaga kerja untuk posisi berikut :
1.Supervisor Toko
2. Assisten Kepala kasir & Kasir
3. Member Relation (Salesman)
4. Bagian Gudang & Adm Gudang
5. Bagian Finance & Pajak
6. Pramuniaga
7. IT / EDP
8. Teknisi
9. Security Indoor

Persyaratan :
Pria / Wanita
Pria (No. 3, 6,7,& 8)
Pendidikan Minimal SMA / Sederajat
Usia Maksimal 30 Tahun
Mengetahui Jurnal (Akuntansi) & Perpajakan ( No.4)
Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
Jujur, Ulet dan Mampu Berkomuikasi dengan Baik

Kirim lamaran,CV + Data Diri lengkap Anda (fc KK&KTP) via E-mail ke alamat  : atau kirim via pos ke PO.BOX.1187, JKU 14011.

Lowongan Staf Accounting &Tax

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:25 AM PDT

Dibutuhkan SEGERA kandidat Staf Accounting & Tax untuk perusahaan baru yang bergerak di pertambangan batubara wilayah Kaltim dan berkantor di Samarinda.

Kualifikasi :
1. Pria / Wanita
2. Usia maks.30 tahun
3. Min. D3 Akuntansi
4. Mengerti akuntansi dan perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia,
    khususnya bidang pertambangan
5. Pengalaman 3 tahun (Diutamakan di pertambangan)
6. Inisiatif bekerja, detil dan teliti

Kirim lamaran berserta CV ke alamat email :
Paling lambat tanggal 22 September 2012.
Pelamar  yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan diproses lebih lanjut.

Lowongan kerja PT. APK

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:23 AM PDT

 PT. Anugerah Prima Karya  merupakan Agen resmi TELKOMVISION perusahaan yang
 tengah berkembang pesat dalam bidang televisi hiburan keluarga yang
 terdepan dan terlengkap di Indonesia , saat ini ingin mengajak para
 tenaga professional,suka bekerja keras dan menyukai tantangan untuk
 bergabung dengan perusahaan kami guna menempati beberapa posisi
 sebagai berikut:

1.Administrasi ( 2 orang ) yang akan di tempatkan di Balikpapan dan Samarinda

1.       Wanita Usia maksimal 30 Tahun
 2.       Pendidikan Minimal  SMK/SMA Sederajat
 3.       Berpengalaman dibidangnya Min 1 Tahun
 4.       Siap bekerja secara team, ulet, dan teliti
 5.       Memiliki  kemampuan memimpin
 6.       Menguasai MS Office dan internet

2. Teknisi ( 5 orang ) yang akan di tempatkan di Balikpapan dan Samarinda

 1.       Laki-laki Usia Maksimal 35 Tahun
 2.       Pendidikan Minimal  SMK/SMA Sederajat
 3.       Berpengalaman dibindangnya Min 1 Tahun
 4.       Siap berkerja secara team, ulet, disiplin dan tertib administrasi
 5.       Memiliki kendaraan

3. Sales ( 15 orang ) yang akan di tempatkan di Balikpapan dan Samarinda

 1.       Laki-laki/wanita Usia maksimal 35 Tahun
 2.       Pendidikan Minimal  SMK/SMA Sederajat
 3.       Berpengalaman dibindangnya Min 1 Tahun
 4.       Berpenampilan rapi
 5.       Siap berkerja secara team, ulet, disiplin
 6.       Memiliki kendaraan

Kirim lamaran & CV Anda ke :

 E-mail :


Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:14 AM PDT


A well established company operating oil & gas specialist Valve repair and maintenance equipment is seeking qualified candidates for :


Requirement :

·        Male, Max 45 years old.

·        Min. S1 Preferred fileds of engineering

·  Working experience Min. 5 years as Assistant Manager/ Manager in Valve company, fabrication, and manufacture.

·        Mastering system ISO 9001:2008

·        Understanding and have extensive knowledge in the field of Valve

·        Understanding budgeting and project (tender)

·        Mastering Computer (Ms. Office)

·        Mastering English actively

·        Abily to create a procedure that is used as a reference work

·        Disciplined, high motivated and responsible

·         Having good leadership skills, can be a role model, analytical thinking and problem solving

·         Mastering HSE and implementation procedure



Job Description :

·   Ensure that the Instrumentation and control system design is developed throughout the different phases of the Project technical and safety referential, international codes and standards and local regulations

·   Provide senior technical expertise in Instrumentation and control system to the Project Management team

·   Prepare Report, Schedule and Progress of Project to Management and Client

·   Issue recommendations to Site Leader technical queries and deviations in compliance with the Company referential

·   Familiar with oil & gas Regulation.

·   Assist the Project Management teams in proposing replies to internal technical and safety engineering audits

·   Coach and participate into the integration of new comers in his discipline as applicable

·   Acting for Lead Discipline Engineer whenever required.

Requirement :

·   Engineering degree from a recognized University in the discipline

·   Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in Oil and Gas sector for engineering in instrumentation and control system

·   Fluent in English, written and spoken

·   Proficient with Oil and Gas International Codes and Standards for the discipline.

3.         QUALITY CONTROL :

Requirement :

·   Graduate Min.D3 Engineering

·   3 years' experience in the oil or petrochemical industries (fresh graduate please apply)

·   Able to analyze each job and the equipment to be used

·   Can make working plan procedure.

·   Having knowledge in welding inspection, coating process/inspection (having NDT, WI, Coating Inspector is Preferebly)  

·   Computer literacy is an advantage.

·   Specific Professional Knowledge:

·   Languages: English necessary



Requirement :

·         Graduate Min.D3 Engineering

·         Minimum 5 (Five) years experience as Supervisor or Ass.Spv. workshop in petroleum process in the field of maintenance of valve such as:

a)      Safety Valves

b)     Relief Valves

c)      All type of isolation valves such as gate valves, ball valves, plug valves,etc

d)     Basic Knowledge on various repair techniques pertaining to valve components

e)      Conversant with online calibration techniques for safety valves

f)       Knowledge on API standards pertaining to test of valve

g)      Capability to use all measuring instruments

h)     Read, write and speak in English fluently

"Basic Function":

Direct the personnel of work and report on status of valve shop activities on daily basis, supervise the disassembly, reassembly and testing of all types of safety valve, isolation valve, motor operated block valve flow regulating valve, level gates.


"Job Description:

·         Issue necessary spares for replacement and assist in forecasting spare parts requirement

·         Asses spares for replacement and prepare requisition

·         Troubleshoot valve problems and carryout necessary maintenance work at shop/ site

·         Servicing of general valve such as gate valve, ball valve, motor operated, gate valve. Etc

·         Throttling valve such as globe valve, butterfly valve, of flow regulating valve such as needle valves.

·         Troubleshooting and deciding on counter measure maintenance as required.



Requirement :

·         Male/Female

·         Working experience min. 5 years in Marketing/Sales

·         Competence in Ms.Office e.g word, excel, power point.

·         Ability to communicate in English fluently both oral & written

·   Highly self- motivated, responsibility, good personality & attractive looking

·   Able to make weekly/monthly report and sales plan if needed.

·   Strong leadership, good communication, multitasking, fast learning, working flexible, Pro active.

·   Possess creativity, outstanding presentation, excellent communication skill & interpersonal skill.

·   Has strong passion in sales & ability to work individually as well as team.

·         Abilitiy to maintain good relationship with customer.

·         Hard working & ready to travel out of city if needed.

·   Willing to be placed in Balikpapan



·  Minimum Strata Degree in Engineering

·   Minimum 3 years experiences in handling Electrical & Mecanical process engineering.

·   Fluent in English written and verbal

·   Good analysis and problem solving skill.

·   Strong reporting and technical writing.

·   Excellence computer skill


Requirement :

·   Male, age max. 35 years old

·   Min.D3 any discipline (engineer preferred)

·   Experience in the field of Purchasing min. 2 years, preferably with experience in the field of oil & gas

·   Mastering computer and active English (written/ oral)

·   Understanding the different kind of materials (especially valve)

·   Able to build good communication with the vendor and have an extensive network

·   Have initiative and be highly motivated, hard working, disciplined, and able to work as a team

·   Capable of driving a four wheel vehicle and drivers license A


Responsibility :

·   Responsible in the process of negotiations with the suppliers

·   Responsible in the manufacture of manufacture PO and monitoring process

·   Provide reports to the others party is associated with the process works

8.      HRD & ISO

Requirement :

·    Male/ female, age Max. 30 years old

·    Bachelor degree in Law/ Management/ Psikoloqy from reputable university

·    Have experience min.2 years in the field of HRD

·    Understanding the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

·    Ability to communicate in English fluently both oral & written

·    Highly self- motivated, responsibility, good personality & attractive looking

·    Able to make weekly/monthly report HR

·    Strong leadership, good communication, multitasking, fast learning, working flexible, Pro active.

·    Understand about labor law regulations in Indonesia .

·   Assist with the recruitment, employment and placement of new employees

·    Assess employee performance and report any gaps between expectations and outputs

·    Conduct training programs that enhance employees' skills and improve their abilities to work as a team.

·   Evaluate training programs and suggest future options for continual learning


To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in email subject: Later 1 (one) week after this advertisement to :


PO. BOX  619  BALIKPAPAN or email in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a file size not more than 350kb





Lowongan Kerja Kaltimex

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:13 AM PDT

Perusahaan Pengadaan Energy Listrik di Balikpapan, memerlukan tenaga professional untuk posisi berikut ini :
1.         Administrasi (kode : Adm) / Penempatan Balikpapan
            Syarat :           - Wanita, usia max : 30 thn
                                    - Lulusan D3/S1 Akuntansi / Management
                                    - Pengalaman dibidangnya minimal : 2 Tahun
                                    - Mengerti & menguasai masalah perpajakan.
                                    - Menguasai Bahasa Inggris.  
Lamaran di kirim via Email ke Alamat :, atau kirim lamaran via pos ke alamat : PT. Kaltimex Energy, JL. Mulawarman Km. 18 PLTD Batakan, Balikpapan 76116.
selambat lambatnya 1 Minggu setelah informasi ini dimuat cukup kirimkan Surat Lamaran dan CV saja (maximum attachment 500 Kb). Tulis kode lamaran sebagai judul email.
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat saja yang akan kami tindak lanjuti.

Lowongan Perusahaan Telekomunikasi

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:12 AM PDT

dibutuhkan 2 posisi di Balikpapan untuk perusahaan telekomunikasi di jln jen Sudirman, Klandasan


1. Kordinator Wilayah KALTIM
- Pria
- Usia max. 35 tahun
- Pend. Min D3 semua jurusan
- Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi
- Tekun,teliti,supel,komunikatif

- Memahami tugas HR
- Memiliki kendaraan bermotor (diutamakan)
- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke seluruh kota di Kalimantan Timur
- Memiliki skill administrative

2. Customer Service
- Pria / Wanita
- Max. 28 tahun
- Berpenampilan menarik dengan tubuh proporsional
- Memahami dan menyukai gadget
- Komunikatif,supel
- Bersedia shifting

kirim email

to :
cc :
subject : [Posisi Pekerjaan]





Lowongan PT. Media Data Indopratama

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 12:09 AM PDT

PT. Media Data Indopratama
( Bergerak dibidang Security System )
Membuka Lowongan untuk :


1. Pria
2. Usia Min. 19 th Max 26 th
3. Pendidikan min SMK Jurusan IT, Listrik & Elektro
4. Menguasai Komputer
5. Berdomisili di wilayah Samarinda
6. Jujur, Ramah, Mudah beradaptasi
7. Mau Belajar , Disiplin dan Pekerja Keras
8. Bersedia ditugaskan dimana saja ( Banyak pekerjaan Di luar Kaltim / di seluruh wilayah Indonesia )
9. Dapat Mengendarai Sepeda Motor

Optional : Dapat mengendarai Mobil

Email CV Ke:


Best Regards,


Wisli Donny R. Sirait S.Kom

PT. Media Data Indopratama

Website            :



Jl. Jakarta Blok AR No.05 Loa Bakung
Samarinda - Kalimantan Timur 75129

      " The best IT solutions for you "

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