Minggu, 03 April 2011

Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan BUMN Bank BRI Jakarta

Posted: 03 Apr 2011 06:39 PM PDT

BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) TBK KANTOR WILAYAH JAKARTA 1 Mencari tenaga kerja yang handal dan berdedikasi tinggi untuk posisi: 1. Associate Account Officer (AAO) Komersial / Ritel (Kode: KW1A) 2. Associate Account Officer (AAO) Konsumer (KKB/KPR) ( kode KW1B) Dengan kualifikasi sbb: - Pendidikan Minimal S1 dari semua Fakultas / Jurusan terakreditasi - IPK minimal [...] Related posts:
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  3. Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI, Bursa Karir BUMN

Lowongan Teknik Industri & Akuntansi PT Nissan Motor Indonesia

Posted: 03 Apr 2011 06:35 PM PDT

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja Lulusan S1 Teknik Industri & Akuntansi PT. Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacturer and distributor company of "Nissan" automobile. We invite young, dynamic, and smart people to join our team, and grow with us. Manufacturing Cost Control Staff Working Location : NMI Plant (Purwakarta) Requirement: * Bachelor degree [...] Related posts:
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Bursa Kerja Online PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia (KNI)

Posted: 03 Apr 2011 06:27 PM PDT

PT KALTIM NITRATE INDONESIA, Bursa Kerja Online April 2011 Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia (KNI), is part of Orica Group. KNI is constructing a large scale continuous chemical manufacturing facility located in Bontang, East Kalimantan. The facility is world scale utilising the best available most advanced technology of its type globally. KNI is determined to deliver the [...] Related posts:
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Lowongan Teller & Customer Service Bank Negara Indonesia

Posted: 03 Apr 2011 02:13 AM PDT

Lowongan Kerja April 2011 Teller & Customer Service Bank BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia) Bank Negara Indonesia's role as the circulation and central bank was duly terminated in 1949 following the government's appointment of the former Dutch-controlled bank, De Javasche Bank, as Indonesia's Central Bank. The Bank, subsequently designated as a development bank, was later granted [...] Related posts:
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Lowongan Kerja BUMN Bank Indonesia

Posted: 03 Apr 2011 01:58 AM PDT

Bank Indonesia is the central bank of Indonesia. Bank Indonesia is currently being governed by Darmin Nasution, former interim governor. The last governor before the interim phase, Boediono, resigned due to his vice presidential candidacy in the Indonesian presidential election. Darmin Nasutionwas sworn in by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on September, 1 2010. Finance minister [...] Related posts:
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  3. Jobs career Bank Indonesia, Lowongan BUMN Bank BI

Lowongan Garment Semarang Jawa Tengah

Posted: 03 Apr 2011 01:51 AM PDT

PT Rodeo Prima Jaya, Lowongan Garment Semarang Jawa Tengah Our company is Nike Compliance, leading garment manufacturer based in Semarang, Central Java. To support our LEAN project, we have an opening for the following position: Lean Manufacturing Team Leader (Jawa Tengah – Semarang) Requirements: * Degree in Industrial Engineering * In-dept understanding of LEAN concepts [...] Related posts:
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Lowongan Terbaru Bentoel Group

Posted: 02 Apr 2011 01:53 AM PDT

Bentoel Group become a part of one of the world biggest cigarette company British American Tobacco International. The synergy enriched Bentoel's History as legendary cigarette manufacture in Indonesia for almost 80 years. Global Challenge will be easily faced through maintaining concistency of corporate values implementation. Significant improvement of Bentoel Group performance in last couple years [...] Related posts:
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