Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

RUZH Pusat Informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir

RUZH Pusat Informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir

Lowongan Operator Alat PT Pelindo 1 (Persero), Lulusan SMK Agustus September 2011

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 08:09 AM PDT

Penerimaan Pegawai PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero),  Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) TA 2011 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) which operates in the ProvinceNanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, Riau Islands and North Sumatra need to employ waveguides with an explanation as follows: OPERATOR ALAT (Pelaksana Junior). General Requirements: Vocational Education Department (SMK) of

Lowongan Kerja SMA; Marketing Agency Asuransi Jasindo (Persero) Manado

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 02:53 AM PDT

Through the Minister of Finance No.764/MK/IV/12/1972 dated December 9, 1972, the Indonesian government decided to do a merger between PT and PT Asuransi Bendasraya General International Underwriters (uIU) to PT.Asuransi Jasindo (Persero) as a Business Entity State-Owned enterprises (SOEs) are engaged in General Insurance business. Ratification of the merger is further confirmed by Mohamad Ali

Lowongan Kerja PT Kalbe Farma Tbk

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 08:38 PM PDT

Lowongan Medical Representative. Established in 1966, PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. ("the Company" or "Kalbe") has gone a long way from its humble beginnings as a garage-operated pharmaceutical business in North Jakarta. Throughout its more than 40-year history, the Company has expanded by strategic acquisitions of pharmaceutical companies, building a leading brand positioning and reaching to international

Lowongan Kerja PT Pandu Selamat Utama (PSU) Agustus 2011

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 08:20 PM PDT

PT. Pandu Selamat Utama (PSU) is a fast growing company leading in supply of H2S Safety Equipment, H2S Safety Training, and Confined Space, especially for the poisonous gas in petrochemical, geothermal, oil, and gas industry. Due to our large business expansion, we offer you employment opportunities for Finance & Accounting Staff position. PSU interested in hiring high energy and service

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