Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Info Lowongan

Info Lowongan

LOWONGAN KERJA Grapari Telkomsel

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:41 PM PDT

Cutomer Service Representatives




Requirement :

Laki-laki / Perempuan
Usia maksimal 28 Tahun pada saat rekrutasi
Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm (wanita) atau 165 cm (pria)
Berat badan proporsional
Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani (Surat ket terbaru dari dokter / General Check Up).
Berpenampilan rapi dan menarik
Pendidikan minimal lulusan D3 semua jurusan, IPK min 2,75
Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan
Memiliki jiwa Customer Service Orientation
Memiliki ketrampilan menggunakan komputer, terutama Ms. Office
Diutamakan memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris
Memiliki pengetahuan umum tentang produk Telkomsel
Lulus dari seluruh rangkaian tes seleksi
Memiliki pengalaman Customer Service lebih disukai
Lamaran dapat dikirim langsung ke Grapari Teklkomsel Balikpapan
Atau melauli fajrharyono@gmail.com
Fajar Haryono
HR Rekrutmen
M.0852 8751 1480

Kesempatan Berkarir Bersama PT RAJAWALI HIYOTO

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:40 PM PDT

Sebuah Perusahaan Sales and Distributor Produk Cat and Chemical Construction Berskala Nasional

Membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi:

Accounting (AKT) 1 Orang
Sales Executive (SE)

Syarat Khusus untuk Accounting:

Usia 23-28 Tahun
Pend.Minimal D3 Akuntansi/ Manajemen / Administrasi dan Bisnis
Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman
IPK min. 3.00
Menguasai Word dan Excel

Syarat Khusus untuk Sales Executive
Usia Maks 30 thn
Pend Min SMU

Syarat Umum:

- Mampu bekerja secara individual maupun tim
- Teliti
- Ulet dan sabar (Pantang menyerah)
- Tegas
- Mudah beradaptasi dan Mau belajar
- Sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan dan berorientasi pada target (SE)

Silahkan datang dan bawa lamaran/CV atau kirim via pos ke:

PT Rajawali Hiyoto
Jalan Teuku Umar
Komplek Pergudangan tahap 3 Blok B No 3
telp: 0541-273024

Lowongan Pekerjaan CV. Arafat Jaya

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:39 PM PDT

CV. Arafat Jaya, Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang transportasi darat sedang membutuhkan seorang karyawan untuk menempati posisi sebagai Sekertaris dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

Pria usia maksimal 25 tahun
Pendidikan minimal S1
Memiliki integritas dalam bekerja
Jujur, tekun, rapi dan teliti
Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word & Excel) serta internet
Dapat berbahasa inggris minimal pasif
Terbiasa dengan aktifitas kesekretariatan.
Kirimkan lamaran pekerjaan disertai dengan pas foto dan berkas pendukung yang diperlukan selambat-lambatnya tgl 18 Juli  2012 ke :

CV. Arafat Jaya
Jl. Damanhuri No 1 RT 68 Samarinda
Up. HR Departement
Atau email ke hrd.dmg@gmail.com <mailto:hrd.dmg@gmail.com>

Lowongan Pekerjaan PT. Arrehlah Wisata

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:38 PM PDT

Perusahaan kami bergerak dibidang pelayanan Haji dan Umrah sedang membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk mengisi posisi berikut:
1. Accounting
Wanita usia maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
Memiliki integritas dalam bekerja
Jujur, tekun, rapi dan teliti
Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word & Excel) serta internet
Memahami flow chart keuangan (akuntansi dasar)
Dapat membuat laporan keuangan, pajak dll
Dapat berbahasa inggris minimal pasif
2.  Customer Service
Pria / Wanita usia maksimal 25 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan
Berpenampilan rapi, santun dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
Memiliki jiwa customer service
Mampu bekerja dalam tim
Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word & Excel) serta internet
Dapat berbahasa inggris minimal pasif, Lebh disukai bila bisa juga berbahasa arab.
3. Tenaga Handling Haji & Umrah
Pria usia maksimal 28 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan
Cekatan, ramah dan mampu bekerja dalam tekanan
Sistematis dalam bekerja
Mampu bekerja dalam tim
Lebih disukai mempunyai pengalaman bekerja pada perusahaan travel
Dapat berbahasa inggris minimal pasif, Lebh disukai bila bisa juga berbahasa arab.
Kirimkan lamaran pekerjaan disertai dengan pas foto dan berkas pendukung yang diperlukan selambat-lambatnya tgl 18 Juli 2012 ke :
PT. Arrehlah Wisata
Jl. Gamelan No 02 Samarinda, Kaltim
Up. HR Departement
Atau email ke hrd.dmg@gmail.com <mailto:hrd.dmg@gmail.com>


Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:35 PM PDT

EKKLESIA CONSULTING GROUP (www.ektry.blogspot.com).
Ekklesia Consulting Group merupakan konsultan Akuntansi & Perpajakan UKM.
Membutuhkan karyawan untuk beberapa klien kami, antara lain :
Staf Administrasi
Staf Pajak
Staf Akuntansi
Staf Operasional
Persyaratan :
Pendidikan minimal SMA/K
Menguasai SPT Masa PPN/PPh21/23/25
Menguasai MYOB Accounting
Memiliki motor sendiri
Kirim lamaran via email ke :

Lowongan Kerja : PT. Teconindo

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:34 PM PDT

Lowongan Kerja :

PT. Teconindo

Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Pertambangan dan Servis, sejalan dengan pertumbuhan perusahaan dan rencana untuk mengembangkan perusahaan kami di Balikpapan dan Site, maka kami mencari kandidat yang berkualitas dalam bidangnnya untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :

1.  HRGA Supervisor  (Site)
2.  HR Officer (HO-Bpp)
3.  Payroll (HO-Bpp)
4.  F.A.T Supervisor (HO-Bpp)
5.  Accounting Officer (HO-Bpp)
6.  Tax Officer (HO-Bpp)
7.  Admint General (HO-Bpp)
8.  Supervisor Plant (Site)
9.  Foreman Plant (Site)
10.Foreman Auto Electric (Site)
11.Mechanic (Exca Hitachi & Kobelco, Dozer Cat, Mtr Grader Cat, Compac Volvo) (Site)
12.Mechanic ( DT- Nissan, Man CLA, Man TGS, ADT Cat & Volvo) (Site)
13.Mechanic Auto Electric (Site)
14.Foreman Logistik (Site)
15.Storeman Warehouse (Site)
16.Security (Site)
17.Operator ADT 740 (Site)
18.Operator Volvo (Site)
19.Operator Exca Hitachi Level 400, 300, 200, Kobelco Level 400 (Site)
20.Operator Dozer Cat (Site)
21. Driver Water Truck (Site)
22. Surveyor (Site) 

Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK, D-3 (2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22)
Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Hukum, Psikologi, Sosiologi, Manajamen Sumber Daya (1,2)
Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Manajamen, Accounting, Bisinis (4)
Pendidikan minimal D3 / S1 Pertambangan (22)
Pengalaman minimal 1 - 2 tahun (2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22)
Pengalaman minimal 2 - 5 tahun (1,2)
Pengalaman minimal 2 - 5 tahun (4)
Pendidikan minimal D3 / S1 Pertambangan (22)
Memiliki SIM B II / umum Kaltim yang masih berlaku (17,18,19,20)
Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 40 tahun (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22)
Memiliki integritas yang tinggi, jujur, berpikir positif sikap, gigih, team work
Bersedia ditempatkan dimanapun operational perusahaan berada (HO / Site)
Lamaran akan diproses jika sesuai dengan kualifikasi di atas.
Jika mendapat panggilan dari kami, jangan lupa untuk membawa berkas-berkas yang asli untuk dapat di perlihatkan ke perusahaan.
Cantumkan posisi lamaran anda pada sudut kanan atas atau pada subject lamaran yang akan di lamar.
Lamaran paling lambat kita terima 2 minggu setelah info lowongan ini diterbitkan.

Lamaran dapat dikirim langsung ke :
PT. Teconindo
JL. Mulawarman No.205 RT.22 Kel. Sepinggan Kec. Balikpapan Timur
atau, melalui alamat email :


Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:31 PM PDT


A well established company operating oil & gas specialist Valve repair and maintenance equipment is seeking qualified candidates for :


Requirement :

·        Male, Max 45 years old.

·        Min. S1 Preferred fileds of engineering

·  Working experience Min. 5 years as Assistant Manager/ Manager in Valve company, fabrication, and manufacture.

·        Mastering system ISO 9001:2008

·        Understanding and have extensive knowledge in the field of Valve

·        Understanding budgeting and project (tender)

·        Mastering Computer (Ms. Office)

·        Mastering English actively

·        Abily to create a procedure that is used as a reference work

·        Disciplined, high motivated and responsible

·         Having good leadership skills, can be a role model, analytical thinking and problem solving

·         Mastering HSE and implementation procedure



Requirement :

·         Male/Female

·         Working experience min. 5 years in Marketing/Sales

·         Competence in Ms.Office e.g word, excel, power point.

·         Ability to communicate in English fluently both oral & written

·         Highly self- motivated, responsibility, good personality & attractive looking

·         Able to make weekly/monthly report and sales plan if needed.

·   Strong leadership, good communication, multitasking, fast learning, working flexible, Pro active.

·   Possess creativity, outstanding presentation, excellent communication skill & interpersonal skill.

·         Has strong passion in sales & ability to work individually as well as team.

·         Abilitiy to maintain good relationship with customer.

·         Hard working & ready to travel out of city if needed.

·   Willing to be placed in Balikpapan



Job Description :

·   Ensure that the Instrumentation and control system design is developed throughout the different phases of the Project technical and safety referential, international codes and standards and local regulations

·   Provide senior technical expertise in Instrumentation and control system to the Project Management team

·   Prepare Report, Schedule and Progress of Project to Management and Client

·   Issue recommendations to Site Leader technical queries and deviations in compliance with the Company referential

·   Familiar with oil & gas Regulation.

·   Assist the Project Management teams in proposing replies to internal technical and safety engineering audits

·   Coach and participate into the integration of new comers in his discipline as applicable

·   Acting for Lead Discipline Engineer whenever required.

Requirement :

·   Engineering degree from a recognized University in the discipline

·   Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in Oil and Gas sector for engineering in instrumentation and control system

·   Fluent in English, written and spoken

·   Proficient with Oil and Gas International Codes and Standards for the discipline.


·   Graduate from High School (e.g. SMU or SMA or STM).

·   5 years' experience with similar equipment and plant preferably in the oil or petrochemical industries.

·   Computer literacy is an advantage.

·   Specific Professional Knowledge:

·   Instrumentation: All types of instrumentation and all types of flowmeter listed in the


·   A rigorous and methodical approach, an ability to maintain good relations with colleagues and COMPANY

·   Physical ability to go regularly to the onshore and offshore installations (or to work there) in the climatic conditions of the site

·   Languages: English necessary, Bahasa Indonesia an advantage



Requirement :

·   Male, age max. 35 years old

·   Min.D3 any discipline (engineer preferred)

·   Experience in the field of Purchasing min. 2 years, preferably with experience in the field of oil & gas

·   Mastering computer and active English (written/ oral)

·   Understanding the different kind of materials (especially valve)

·   Able to build good communication with the vendor and have an extensive network

·   Have initiative and be highly motivated, hard working, disciplined, and able to work as a team

·   Capable of driving a four wheel vehicle and drivers license A


Responsibility :

·   Responsible in the process of negotiations with the suppliers

·   Responsible in the manufacture of manufacture PO and monitoring process

·   Provide reports to the others party is associated with the process works 


6.      HSE & ISO

Requirement :

·    Male, age Max. 30 years old

·    Have experience min.2 years in the field of HSE

·    Certified expert K3/oil & gas

·    Understanding the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

·    Have Administration and Reporting standard HSE

·    Understanding CSMS

·    Able to make Job Safety Analysis

·    Willing to make a visit to the visit


Job Description :

·   Compliance and enforcement of all HSE issues (Project and field reports audits)

·   Documentation, tracking, statistics and reporting (Risk Management, JSA, Near miss/ Hazard/ Observation reports, Establish a process to verify that corrective actions, as a result of incident investigations are documented and implemented, Accident/Incident Reports and Corrective actions, Corporate Safety Meetings for all hands and other communications to keep crews updated and informed of changes related to HSE, Post accident/incident Root-Cause Analysis, Vessel Orientation, pre-departure checklist, safety drills, etc)

·   Maintaining Safety and Operations Manuals

·   Training, Certifications and Record Keeping (New hire safety training orientations, Ensure all personnel have the necessary training for the project, Maintaining and tracking safety files, medical files, training files, certifications, and licenses, Customer and Regulatory Audits, Organize and Maintain documents in hard copy/electronic format, Setup and Maintain an Incident/Accident Database)

·   Prepare safety documents for tender

·   Make HSE Performance reporting to the manager

·   Prepare a training schedule and MCU for employees

·   Conduct internal audit ISO 9001:2008 for each division

·   Document controller ISO 9001:2008

·   Inspection Workshop

·   Orientation/ induction of new staff/ new division

·   HSE Meeting Routine




Requirement :


·         Graduate from High School (e.g. SMU or SMA or STM).

·         Minimal 2 years' experience with Control Valve and PSV

·         Working experiences include Overhaul, Repair, Calibration, and Testing Valve

·         A rigorous and methodical approach, an ability to maintain good relations with colleagues and COMPANY

·         Physical ability to go regularly to the onshore and offshore installations (or to work there) in the climatic conditions of the site



Please send your application, enclosing CV, recent photograph, telp.no. Lather 2 (two) weeks after this advertisement to :


PO. BOX  619  BALIKPAPAN or email hrd_dkm@dutakatupmas.co.id






Lowongan Distributor

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:30 PM PDT


Kami perusahaan bergerak bidang distributor membutuhkan beberapa karyawan / karyawati yang professional untuk di tempatkan posisi sebagai berikut :
Motoris Team ( Kode : MT )
Driver ( Kode : DR )
Staff Apoteker ( Kode : SA )
Adapun beberapa keteria di atas sebagai berikut :
Pria ( 1, 2, 3 ) / Wanita ( 3 ).
Usia Min.18 – 40 Tahun ( 1, 2, 3 ).
Pendidikan Min.SMA ( 1,2 ) & D3 Apoteker ( 3 ).
Berpengalaman di bidangnya masing – masing 1 Thn ( 2,3 ).
Memiliki SIM C, A, B2 ( 1,2 )
Memiliki STRA Apoteker ( 3 )
Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan ( 1, 2 ).
Memiliki kendaraan roda 2 ( 1 ).
Apabila saudara memiliki kiteria yang kami cari maka diharapkan dapat mengirimkan lamaran anda ke PT.JEFFRINDO EKAPUTRA Jl.Mayjend Sutoyo RT.44 No.88 Balikpapan Up : HRD. Paling lambat lamaran kami terima Tanggal 10 Juli 2012.


Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:29 PM PDT

Please send your application letter and complete resume (CV), with recent photograph minimum in one week after this advertise and kindly mark code the position applied

to : info@ralifindo.co.id




Job Title

Project Director




To execute the mining project in its totality. Heading the project team for successful completion of the project. To implement the contract and contractual terms pertaining to Indonesian Laws with respect to mining project. Dynamic monitoring and planning to make adequate resource to meet project requirements. To build and maintain good relations with Clients, JV Partners and mining team members.







1. Techno Commercial aspect

·         To take responsibility in assimilating maximum number of technical bids and finalizing the best bid in consultation with the Corporate Contracts and Project team.


·         To take responsibility in formulating and deploying effectively competitive sourcing strategies for risk mitigation and cost reduction.


·         To take responsibility for, contractual terms, project execution with JV Partners.


·         To take over all responsibility for executing and completing the project in totality within the budgeted cost and schedule absolutely in the most cost –effective manner.


·         To take responsibility in understanding technical specifications of finalizing as per project requirements from the Corporate contracts team.


2. Decision making

·         To take decision on project needs, financials, procurements, administrations and for suspension or black listing of contractors/suppliers as per nature of case.


·         Numbers of contractors and suppliers have to be finalized on the best optimum rates.


3. Effective management

·         To take responsibility in effective management of vendors to ensure that the company gets preferential supply contracts at best prices.


·         To take overall responsibility on project execution.


·         To take initiative in developing long term relationship with clients / JV Partners and vendors.


4.   Legal aspect Technical / Functional Knowledge   & Skills

·         Good knowledge and good negotiation skills with the understanding of legal aspects of contract laws.


·         Should know the technical aspect of costing, estimation and process flow of the work.


5. Documentation

·         Must be familiar with "zero Time" documentation and retrieve technique.

·         Responsible for Safe custody of documents


6. Budgeting

·         Liaise with project stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

·         Estimate the resources and participants needed to achieve project goals.

·         Draft and submit budget proposals, and recommend subsequent budget changes where necessary


A.                                Educational Qualifications & Certifications:


1.       BE/ ME in Civil

2.       Knowledge of Mining aspects

3.       Mining Manager Certification (Coal) - FCC

B.        Relevant (Functional/Level) & Total Years of Experience:

            Total work Experience Required:             Min (in years): 20 yrs

                                                                                           Max (in years): 25 yrs


Should have completed at least three to four mining project in totality.

C.        Functional Skills:

·         Good Exposure in Mining Projects

·         Hands on experience in Client Contracts and Sub Contracts

·         Exposure in SAP & Primavera

D.        Behavioural Skills:

1.       Good communication skills

2.       Good interpersonal skills

3.       Problem Solving Skills

4.       Excellent Leadership Approach to lead the entire project team.



Job Title

Project Manager





To execute the mining project in its totality. Heading the project team for successful completion of the project. To implement the contract and contractual terms pertaining to Indonesian Laws with respect to mining project. Dynamic monitoring and planning to make adequate resource to meet project requirements. To build and maintain good relations with Clients, JV Partners and mining team members.










1. Techno Commercial aspect

·         To take responsibility in assimilating maximum number of technical bids and finalizing the best bid in consultation with the Corporate Contracts and Project team.



·         To take responsibility in formulating and deploying effectively competitive sourcing strategies for risk mitigation and cost reduction.

·         To take responsibility for, contractual terms, project execution with JV Partners

·         To take over all responsibility for executing and completing the project in totality within the budgeted cost and schedule absolutely in the most cost –effective manner.






2. Decision making


·         To take decision on project needs, financials, procurements, administrations and for suspension or black listing of contractors/suppliers as per nature of case.

·         Numbers of contractors and suppliers have to be finalized on the best optimum rates.



3. Effective management


·         To take responsibility in effective management of vendors to ensure that the company gets preferential supply contracts at best prices.




4.   Legal aspect Technical / Functional Knowledge   & Skills



·         Must be familiar with "zero Time" documentation and retrieve technique.

·         Responsible for Safe custody of documents



5.       Documentation


6.       Budgeting

·         Liaise with project stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

·         Estimate the resources and participants needed to achieve project goals.

·         Draft and submit budget proposals, and recommend subsequent budget changes where necessary







E.                                 Educational Qualifications & Certifications:


4.       BE/ ME in Civil

5.       Knowledge of Mining aspects


F.         Relevant (Functional/Level) & Total Years of Experience:


            Total work Experience Required:  Min (in years): 18 yrs

                                                                      Max (in years): 22 yrs

Should have completed at least three to four mining project in totality.


G.       Functional Skills:


·         Exposure in Mining Projects

·         Hands on experience in Client Contracts and Sub Contracts

·         Exposure in SAP & Primavera


H.       Behavioural Skills:

Good communication skills
Good interpersonal skills to develop team work across various teams
Ability to project correct picture of facts in the project
Skills to resolve problems
Ability to ensure that commitment is from the working team




Job Title





To lead, organise and provide direction for employees to ensure outstanding performance is achieved in the areas of operation, people performance, HSE&Q outcomes and the Business results.


Accountabilities & Responsibilities 


1.       HSE&Q

·         Responsible for the health and safety of employees and self through education, training and demonstration of the right behaviour.

·         Ensure safe and efficient operation of the business through proactive management of the employees, procedures and processes.

·         Ensure Essar HSE&Q standards are incorporated into the workplace.

·         Comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental laws, regulations and statutory obligations at all times.

·         Review effectiveness, application and adherence of all HSE&Q procedures and operation.

·         Report on problems or areas for improvement.

·          Conduct Safety audits as required.

2.       Leadership


·         Create an empowered and challenging team culture that delivers outstanding performance in HSE&Q and achieves successful business performance.

·         Co-ordinate staff to work safely, productively, efficiently and effectively as an integrated team.

·         Lead, demonstrate and educate the team to embrace a work environment free of discrimination, where everyone is treated with respect.

·         Provide leadership to employees through proactive management of industrial relation issues.

·         Conduct toolbox meetings and record employee attendance.

·         Take disciplinary action if an employee seriously violates company regulations and resolve disputes quickly.

·         Perform evaluations of all direct reports every 6 months.

·         Participate in Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) negotiations.

3.       Communication

·         Communicate openly and honestly at all times.

·         Ensure everyone understands the group's objectives.

·         Represent management with Union discussions.

4.       Teamwork

·         Ensure behaviour is consistent to enhance the team environment.

·         Assist others to meet group's objectives when required.

·         Create a participative team environment.

·         Participate in work based team activities.

5.       Ethics

·         Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, statutory obligations and Essar company policies.

·         Act honestly and with integrity at all times.

·         Respect the values and diversities of others.

·         Accept responsibilities and be accountable for actions.

·         Avoid situations resulting in a conflict of interest, bribery or the use of inducements to secure business.

·         Self-motivated and positive attitude towards work and people.

·         Cleanliness and good housekeeping skills.

6.       Innovation

·         Participate in internal and external training seminars and workshops.

·         Read relevant literature and journals.

·         Actively investigate enhancements to procedures and processes that achieve improvements in performance, job satisfaction and productivity.

7.       Engineering & Production

·         Help co-ordinate all activities for the Production & Engineering department ensuring successful and cost effective implementation of plans.

·         Actively communicate Blast contractor management decisions with other Superintendents.

·         Involve with evaluating Blast contractors performance and quality of service provided.

·         Assist Project Manager all Superintendents in technical issues.

8.       Business Planning

·         Participate in the business planning process to ensure our business and services are focused on client needs.

·         Maximize production at reduced cost.

·         Manage and control all financial aspects including cost tracking and forecasting.

·         Reduce engineering risks.

·         Ensure Client needs are met and responded to effectively.

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Posted: 06 Jul 2012 02:27 PM PDT

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang automotif yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan karyawati untuk posisi sebagai berikut :
1. Staff Accounting Officer (SAO)
2. Frontdesk
Dengan Persyaratan :
a. Wanita
b. Mak Umur 23 Thn Diutamakan yang Belum Menikah
c. Pendidikan Min SMK dan D3, S1 Jurusan Akuntansi
d. IP minimal 2,75
e. Bisa Mengoperasikan Komputer Bisa Mengaplikasikan Prog. Akuntansi Min MYOB
f. Mempunyai Pengalaman Dibidangnya Min 2 Thn
g. Mampu Bekerja Mandiri Dan Team
h. Disiplin,Jujur dan Bertanggung Jawab

Kirimkan lamaran CV beserta Pas Photo Terbaru Ke Alamat ;
CV. MMM (Dealer Honda)
Jl. A. Yani (Cendrawasih) No. 3
Cantumkan Kode Lamaran Di Kanan Atas
UP : Bpk Dicky

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