Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Info Lowongan

Info Lowongan

Lowongan Tambang

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:07 AM PDT

Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kontraktor pertambangan di Kalimantan Timur membutuhkan SEGERA kandidat untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :
Klasifikasi :
Usia Max. 35 Tahun
Pendidikan SMA – D3
Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun di pertambangan
Mengetahui dan memahami system logistic dengan baik (plan,inventory,warehouse).
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang maintenance alat/kendaraan
Dapat mengoperasikan computer (Ms.Office)
Memiliki SIM B
Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan bekerjasama dalam tim.

Klasifikasi :
Usia Max. 35 tahun
Pendidikan min. D3 Pertambangan
Pengalaman foreman tambang min.2 tahun
Dapat mengoperasikan computer Ms.Office, Autocad
Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan bekerjasama dalam tim
Memahami konsep praktis pertambangan seperti " OB productivity, Iron Ore Getting, Equipment productivity, dll"
Memahami konsep praktek pertambangan yang baik (good mining practice)
Lebih diutamakan memiliki sertifikasi POP
Memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat,mampu mengatur dan mengarahkan operator alat berat,

Admin & GA tambang
Klasifikasi :
Usia Max. 30 Tahun
Pendidikan Min. SMA
Memiliki SIM A (SIM B lebih baik)
Dapat mengoperasikan computer Ms.Office
Memahami kegiatan administrasi umum khususnya di pertambangan
Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dalam tim.

Cost Controller
Usia Max. 30 tahun
Pendidikan Min. D3
Pengalaman min.1 tahun di pertambangan
Mampu menganalisa dan membuat perbandingan antara anggaran, biaya actual, pendapatan operasional.
Mampu melakukan pengendalian biaya, melakukan umpan balik dan koreksi dalam elemen biaya serta melakukan perbaikan untuk itu.
Dapat mengoperasikan computer Ms.Office
Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dalam tim.

Kirimkan CV beserta dokumen pendukung ke alamat email :

Paling lambat 14 hari setelah iklan ini dimuat.

Lowongan Marketing

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:05 AM PDT

MARKETING Unit dan Spare part : 4 Orang ( P/W )
Persyaratan :

1.      Berpenampilan menarik
2.      Usia 18 s/d 30 Tahun
3.      Minimal Lulusan SMA sederajat
4.      Menyukai dengan TANTANGAN TARGET
5.      Menguasai atau yang baru di bidangnya
6.      Memiliki Kendaraan roda 2
7.      Tidak sedang kuliah atau Magang
8.      Di Utamakan BERDOMISILI  di  SAMARINDA

Antar / Kirim kan Lamaran  anda ke :
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda Ruko Juanda Plaza Blok B no 29 -30
Telp     : 0541 – 766840
Hp. 081347.604.504

Atau Via Email ke : ronny.samarinda@yahoo.com

Lowongan Properti Indosat

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:04 AM PDT


Salah satu perusahaan Penyedia Tenaga Kerja di Indonesia; PT. PERSADA (Personel Alih Daya) membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan salah satu perusahaan telekomunikasi terkemuka  dengan posisi:
Properti Indosat wilayah Balikpapan
Kualifikasi :
Max 28 th
Pend. Min D3 jurusan Tehnik Sipil.
Dapat mengoperasikan Outocad
Dapat mengoprasikan komputer
Berpenampilan Menarik
Komunikatif, aktif, dan ramah

Persyaratan dokumen pelamar :
Surat Lamaran & CV (Curiculum Vitae)
Foto ukuran 4x6 ( 1 Lembar)
Fotokopi ijasah dan Transkrip nilai
Fotokopi KTP
Fotokopi sertifikat /piagam seminar, kursus,dll

Jl. MT. Haryono no 69 RingRoad
Gedung Galeri Indosat lt.4
Atau kirim via email ke : puji.lestari@personelalihdaya.com

Dengan title Properti
Berkas lamaran yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti interview..

Paling lambat 21 Juli 2012

Lowongan Finance admin

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:02 AM PDT


We are a listed company of public mining coal company seeking the great people to support and enhance our position as the great company for mining industry for the position of :

Finance Admin
(Code : FA)


Age min. 23 – 28
Permanent residence in East Kalimantan
D3 or S1 Business Administration/Accounting/Finance
Min 1 years experienced in similar position
Have strong communication skill
Computer literacy is a must
Familiar to make monthly report as needed
Good command in English verbal and written
Ability to take initiative and work independently or as a team work, work under deadline pressure, multi tasks and attention to detail, mature and high endurance
Willing to be placed in East Kalimantan/mining area

Interested applicants please send your application through the email address below with detailed resume along with position applied to address below latest by July 31, 2012 
All information received will be kept strictly confidential

E-mail : vacancybalikpapan@hexindo-tbk.co.id

Lowongan Payroll Section Head

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:01 AM PDT


We are a listed company of public mining coal company seeking the great people to support and enhance our position as the great company for mining industry for the position of :

Payroll Section Head
(Code : PSH)

Responsibilities :
Coordination and delivery of Company Performance Management System
Internal and external equity programs
Create and merit data spreadsheets
Job matching and data analysis to match market compensation to Company Compensation
Develop and administer reward and recognition (non-cash award)
Advice to Recruitment Department on all compensation factors for new hire
Determine merit and bonus budgets 

Qualifications  :
Bachelor degree in Accounting/Statistics/Mathematics/IT with min. GPA 2,75
Male/Female, max 35
Permanent residence in East Kalimantan
Willing to be placed in Balikpapan
Min. 5 (five) years experience in Payroll process & operation
Good communication in English both of oral & written
Excellent skills in computer & Microsoft office
Familiar with tax PPh 21, Jamsostek and government relations
Able to plan, well-organized and well-adjusted
Ability to assume a high level of responsibility and workload is needed

Interested applicants please send your application through the email address below with detailed resume along with position applied to address below latest by July 31, 2012 
Only short-listed qualified candidates will be called for selection test

E-mail : vacancybalikpapan@hexindo-tbk.co.id


Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:52 AM PDT


PT. HEXINDO ADIPERKASA Tbk adalah perusahaan yang bergerak pada pemasaran dan distribusi Hydraulic Excavator dan alat-alat berat. Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis kami di sektor pertambangan batubara, kami membutuhkan individu yang dinamis dan berkualitas untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :

Teknisi Listrik Tegangan Tinggi (Kode: ELC)
Mekanik Alat Berat (Kode: TECH)

Usia min 23 thn
Lulusan arus kuat/tegangan tinggi/High Voltage (ELC)
Mempunyai keahlian sebaggai teknisi High Voltage(HV) Electrician (ELC)
Berpengalaman dlm perawatan/perbaikan pembangkit listrik (ELC)
Telah mengikuti training perawatan electrical HV Dump Truck/Excavator(ELC)
Berpengalaman dalam merawat electrical HV Dump Truck/Excavator (ELC)
STM dengan 5 tahun pengalaman sebagai teknisi alat berat atau D3 dengan 3 tahun pengalaman sebagai teknisi alat berat atau S1 dengan 2 tahun pengalaman sebagai teknisi alat berat
STM atau D3  dengan jurusan yang terkait
Lulusan program apprentice atau pelatihan mekanik alat berat- Diutamakan (TECH)
Berpengalaman dalam perawatan/perbaikan alat berat (TECH)
Dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris- Diutamakan
Bersedia ditempatkan di lapangan/Project
Siap mengikuti shift/roaster
Sehat rohani dan jasmani

Segera kirimkan Lamaran dan CV Anda sesuai kode posisi tersebut diatas paling lambat 14 hari setelah iklan ini terbit dan dialamatkan ke :

HR Recruitment
PT. Hexindo Adiperkasa, Tbk
Jl. Mulawarman RT. 52 No. 99 Batakan 
Balikpapan 76116 - Kalimantan Timur
Email: vacancybalikpapan@hexindo-tbk.co.id

Lowongan JB Hotel

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:51 AM PDT


Dalam rangka pengembangan manajemen perusahaan maka JB HOTEL SAMARINDA Saat ini sedang mencari karyawan/ti yang memilki motivasi, integritas, loyalitas dan suka tantangan untuk di tempatkan pada posisi sebagai berikut :

7. HOUSE KEEPING (Perawat Taman)

Persyaratan :

Wanita  (1), Pria (3,4)
Belum Menikah, penampilan Menarik (1,2,3,4)
Usia maksimal 30 Tahun (1,2,3,4) 
Pendidikan Min. SLTA / Sederajat
Tinggi Badan  155 Cm  (Wanita), 160 Cm  (Pria)
Jurusan perhotelan & pariwisata lebih diutamakan (1s/d 6)
Ulet, Teliti dalam bekerja, Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
Surat keterangan kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Surat keterangan catatan kepolisian
Berdomisili di daerah samarinda
Pengalaman minimal 1 Tahun di perusahaan Entertaint (1 s/d 6 )
Pas photo berwarna ukuran 3x4 dua lembar
Tidak sedang kuliah/kerja
Siap bekerja shift

Bagi yang memenuhi syarat akan kami hubungi lewat via telepon atau email untuk mengikuti tes interview, cantumkan kode pada posisi yang di lamar. Surat lamaran & CV di kirim/antar langsung ke JB HOTEL SAMARINDA Jl.H.Agus Salim No. 16 Samarinda – Kalimantan Timur. Lamaran dan CV kami terima paling lambat tanggal  20 Juli,  2012. Telepon 0541 - 737688

Terima kasih

Lowongan Sfaff Legal

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:50 AM PDT

Adalah salah satu pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di kota Balikpapan saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk diposisikan sebagai staff legal dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 35 tahun
Pendidikan S1/S2 hukum
Memiliki pengalaman dalam hal List Mall minimal 2 - 3 tahun
Memahami hukum dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia
Memiliki keterampilan interpersonal yang baik, komunikatif dan negosiasi
Menguasai keterampilan computer (minimal Microsoft office word, excel dan power point)
Bagi anda yang memiliki kualifikasi di atas kirimkan lamaran, CV dan berkas pendukung lainnya ke alamat kami:
Kantor Pengelola Balcony City Jl. Jend. Sudirman Lt. P8
Tlp: 0542-737888 Fax : 0542 - 737111
Kode pos: 76113
Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur
Atau ke email : diee_unhas@yahoo.com

Lowongan Pekerjaan Guru

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:48 AM PDT

Lowongan Kerja Guru Mewarnai GLOBAL ART

Dicari Tenaga Kerja Guru menggambar & mewarnai.

Dengan Syarat:

-Laki/Wanita, Umur Max, 30 Thn,
-Suka dengan anak-anak.
-Bersedia ditraining.
-Bedomisili di Balikpapan.
-Menguasai Seni Lukis.

Kirim Lamaran ke alamat: Komp. Balikpapan Baru, Blok Fantasy Junction FJ-2 No.21
Tlp. 0542-7241387
Atau Via Email: center_ga_balikpapan@yahoo.co.id

Lowongan Tanbang Batubara

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:45 AM PDT

We are a Coal Mine company operating in Samboja - Handil Kutai Kartanegara require employees who will fill the position as:

Jr. Geologist (JG)
Wellsite (WL)
(Samboja – Kutai Kartanegara KALTIM)

Male / Female, Max. age 35 years old
S1 Geology / Mining (From UGM Graduation preferred).
Minimum 2 years experience as Wellsite, Jr. Geologist or in exploration and drilling, especially in the coal mining area
Know about coating / deposits of coal, including coal outcrop analysis studies.
have the technical capabilities of data processing and able to operate software that relates to geology.
Able to make the planning and execution of exploration activities
Able to Speak English is preferred
Willing / ready to be placed in Site at Samboja - Kalimantan Timur.

Send your Application including CV and other supporting applications to:
ATTN. HRD DEPT (Up. Anggun Surya)
Block E – 16
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Balikpapan

Or by sending to our email address:

We will wait for up to 2 weeks from the date of advertisement

We are a Coal Mine company operating in Samboja - Handil Kutai Kartanegara require employees who will fill the position as:

Mining Engineering (ME)
(Samboja – Kutai Kartanegara KALTIM)

Knowledge of mining strategies
Making Mine Planning.
Determine mining contract scope of work.
Estimating Production Cost.
Able to make Mine Facility layout.
Making Pit Design.

Candidate must have obtained at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Mining/Mineral).
Working experience (3 Years) in the related field is Preferred for this position.
Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Mining Engineering.
Having knowledge of Mine Planning software and Autocad.
Understand mine facility design, budget and mining cost operation.
Good communication in English preferred.

Send your Application including CV and other supporting documents to:
ATTN. HRD DEPT (Up. Anggun Surya)
Block E – 16
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Balikpapan

Or by sending to our email address:

We are a Coal Mine company operating in Samboja - Handil Kutai Kartanegara require employees who will fill the position as:

Mine Plan Engineering (MPE)
(Samboja – Kutai Kartanegara KALTIM)

• S1 degree Mining/Geology Engineering
Minimum 3 (three) years experience in mining company.
• Mining software skills ( minescape, etc )
• Familiar with mine designing, drill and blast, mine operation in practice.
• Familiar with short term planning
• Having strong motivation
• Communicative, and able to work under pressure
• Willing to work independently in remote field locations
• Strong analytical & problem solving skill
Good understanding about HSE / K3.

Fluent in English both oral & written.
• Having POP license is advantage

Send your Application including CV and other supporting documents to:
ATTN. HRD DEPT (Up. Anggun Surya)
Block E – 16
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Balikpapan

Or by sending to our email address:

We are a Coal Mine company operating in Samboja - Handil Kutai Kartanegara require employees who will fill the position as:

Pit Engineering (PE)
(Samboja – Kutai Kartanegara KALTIM)

1. Age maximum 35 years old.
2. Bachelor degree from faculty of mining engineer / geology.
3. Minimum 3 (three) years experience in mining company.
4. Posses managerial ability such as planning, organizing, controlling and executing to all mining activities.
5. Able to calculate of heavy equipment hour production, summarize and analyze daily report, appliance hour, man power activities and dismissal of over burden and rotate mine.
6. Able to plan short term, middle term and long term of mining process.
7. Taking care of quality of mine product.
8. Good understanding about HSE / K3.
9. Fluent in English both oral & written.

Send your Application including CV and other supporting documents to:
ATTN. HRD DEPT (Up. Anggun Surya)
Block E – 16
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Balikpapan

Or by sending to our email address:


Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:44 AM PDT

PT. Sugico Graha (oil & gas) invites highly qualified candidates to apply for the following:



Qualification :

·         Male max. 40 years old

·         Working experience as Project Manager min. 3 years in oil & gas industry.

·         Min. Qualification, Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mechanical, Electrical Engineering or related major.

Responsibilities and Duties:

·         Lead the planning, kickoff and implementation of projects.​

·         Coordinate the overall project schedule and ensure that all related project plans are completed  to meet quality, functionality and time requirements.

·         Plan, schedule, and track project timelines and deliverables to achieve successful completion.

·         Lead, provide directions and supports to project team members.

·         Maintain excellent relationship with customers.

·         Develop and present reports of the projects to customers.

·         Constantly monitor and provide clear, timely reports regarding the progress status of the projects – schedule, budget, progress to date, risks, problems and solutions to upper management.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

·         Ability to make Cost Budget Estimate Plan and manage cost control of the projects.

·         Possess written, great communication skills, creativity and ability to work closely with key customers, technical resources, team projects and others to successfully deliver assigned projects.

·         Experience & Skills in understanding, gathering, and documenting customer requirements.

·         Strong attention to detail and excellent documentation skills.​

·         Excellent leadership skills to direct, motivate project team members to achieve successful project completion.

·         Has positive attitude & personality, discipline, highly self motivated and responsibility.

·         Critical thinking, problem solving skills, hard Working & Has high enthusiasm towards work.

·         Able to work well in team and under pressure.

·         Willing to work on weekend or overtime if needed

·         Willing to work and visit sites location.

·         Highly Competence in Microsoft Office and any software program related to the work

·         Fluent in English both oral & written.



Qualification :

·         Male/Female max. 35 years old

·         Working experience min. 3 years in Marketing/Sales Manager for Oil & Gas Market.

Responsibilities & Duties:

·         Developing, maintaining and establishing marketing / sales strategies for the company.

·         Reach target given by company.

·         Source and search for markets and customers.  

·         Maintain good relationship with customer.

·         Make and present weekly report and marketing/sales plan to upper management.

·         Plan, Lead, supervise and direct team members

·         Monitor team member's performance and motivating them to reach targets.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

·         Possess written and communication skills to interact with customers and team members.

·         Ability to make presentation to customers and company.

·         Ability to inspire, motivate and lead a team.

·         Excellent sales and negotiation skills.

·         Has positive attitude & personality, discipline, highly self motivated and responsibility.

·         Attractive looking.

·         Fluent in English both oral & written

·         Competence in Ms.Office e.g word, excel, power point.

·         Has strong passion in sales & high enthusiasm towards work.

·         Hard working & ready to travel out of city if needed.



Qualification :

·         Male/Female max.35 years old

·         Min. Qualification, Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting, Finance or related major.

·         GPA Min. 3.0

·         Working experience at least 2 years in accounting, finance ore related field.

Responsibilities & Duties:

·         Manage Finance & Accounting Division and ensure all activities run well

Such as cash flow management, accounting management, cost accounting management, account payable, account receivable, taxation.

·         Manage and monitor all financial reconciliations

·         Make and present financial reports to upper management.

·         Ensure an accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end close reports.

·         Responds to inquiries from the upper management regarding financial results, special reporting requests, etc.

·         Plans, Leads, supervises and directs team members of its accounting functions.

·         Monitors and analyzes the team members to develop more efficient procedures and use of resources while maintaining a high level of accuracy.

·         Provide trainings, supports, assistance and motivation to new and existing team member.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

·         Knowledge of accounting principles, practices and procedures.

·         Skill in performing detailed and complex numerical computations and reports and high accuracy in calculation.

·         Strong attention to detail and excellent documentation skills.​

·         Competence in Ms.Office e.g excel, word, Knowledge of computerized accounting, applications, keyboard facility or any software program related to the work.

·         Ability to handle multiple conflicting deadlines and function effectively in a fast paced work environment.

·         Has positive attitude, personality, discipline, High Responsibility, hard working & high enthusiasm towards work.

·         Strong passion in accounting and able to work under pressure.

·         Has excellent written, verbal communication skill & Learn fast.




Qualification :

·         Female/Male max. 30 years old

·         Working experience min. 2 years in related field.

·         Min. Qualification, Diploma (D3) any kind of major.

Responsibilities and Duties:

·         Ensure all activities to procure goods and services are completed in a timely and cost effective manager.

·         Implements methods, practices, and techniques to achieve cost effective solutions. 

·         Negotiate price,  service agreements, credit terms, etc with suppliers to meet company's requirements.

·         Monitor and manage key supplier relationships and drive improvement for cost, quality and delivery performance.​

·         Analyzes changes or new issues in materials and supplies to find ways to reduce costs and improve quality

·         Researches and develops new sources of supply and keeps informed of new products, materials, services and price trends.

·         Inform upper management of any new sources of supplies, including those with new prices and options

·         Maintain the quality network of supplier,  review and updating list of alternate suppliers regularly.

·         Maintain supplier evaluation system

·         Ensures inventory levels are appropriate, secure, and accurately recorded and verified

·         Lead, direct, provide assistance and supports to team members.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

·         Understanding of Supply Chain Management operational concepts from planning, scheduling, purchasing, supplier selection, inventory control, store room management and logistics

·         Excellent negotiation skills with suppliers and principals.

·         Excellent written and verbal communication skills to work closely with team members and suppliers.

·         Good ability in researching / sourcing for products and services required.

·         Complete required reports, records, and other documentation as required

·         Ability to handle multiple conflicting deadlines and function effectively in a fast paced work environment.

·         Highly competence in Ms. Office especially excel.

·         Willing to work overtime if needed

·         Strong planning and problem-solving skills

·         High integrity, honest, trustworthy and accurate.

·         Has Positive attitude & personality, high responsibility and high enthusiasm towards work.

·         Fluent in English both oral and written.




Qualification :

·         Male max. 30 years old

·         Working experience min. 2 years in warehouse environment or related field.

·         Min. Qualification, Diploma (D3) any kind of major.

·         Min. GPA 3.0

Responsibilities and Duties:

·         Check and inspect for goods coming in / services done are matched with company's purchase order and requirements.

·         Record and maintain accurate data for all goods coming in and out.

·         Prepare administration documentation required for movement of goods between inter branch of company.

·         Complete required reports, records, and other documentations as required

·         Ensures inventory levels are appropriate, secure, and accurately recorded and verified.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

·         High skill in inventory management in company's multiple store room.

·         Strong attention to detail and excellent documentation skills.​

·         High accuracy skills.

·         Highly competence in Ms. Office especially excel.

·         Ability to learn and operate inventory tracking software

·         Excellent written and verbal communications skills

·         Ability to handle multiple conflicting deadlines and function effectively in a fast paced work environment.

·         High integrity, honest, trustworthy and accurate.

·         Has Positive attitude & personality, high responsibility, hard working and high enthusiasm towards work.


Please send your Complete Curriculum Vitae, Application Letter, Academic Transcript and Recent Photograph to:

Email : hrd@plkk.co.id



Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:43 AM PDT

EKKLESIA CONSULTING GROUP (www.ektry.blogspot.com)
Ekklesia Consulting Group, merupakan konsultan Akuntansi & Perpajakan UKM, dengan jasa antara lain : Perpajakan, Pembukuan, Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Audit & Kursus Privat.

Klien kami yang bergerak di bidang kontraktor tambang membutuhkan :
Persyaratan :
1.Pendidikan Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin
2.Pengalaman Kerja Minimal 2 Tahun
3.Memiliki Motor Sendiri

Kirim Lamaran VIA POS Ke  :
Jl. Jend Sudirman No.49 RT.14 Klandasan Ulu
Balikpapan 76112

(Paling Lambat Tgl.26 Juli 2012)


Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:43 AM PDT

Kami adalah perusahaan Distributor Procter & Gamble (P&G) yang sangat profesional dalam bidang distributor, dan telah berekspansi keseluruh wilayah Kalimantan, dan saat ini kami membutuhkan karyawan yang akan ditempatkan di Balikpapan, sebagai berikut  :
Kualifikasi :
1.      Pria (1,2,3)
2.      Minimal Lulusan SLTA (1,2,3)
3.      Mampu mengendarai mobil engkel (2)
4.      Mempunyai SIM A, diutamakan SIM BI (2)
5.      Base di balikpapan
Fasilitas yang didapatkan :
1.    Gaji tetap (upah pokok, uang makan, tunjangan transport)
2.    Insentif
3.    Jamsostek (JHT,JKK, TK, dan Jaminan Kesehatan)
Kirimkan Resume & CV. Dan cantumkan kode Lamaran diatas amplop kanan, ke alamat :
PT. laut Timur Ardiprima
JL. Soekarno Hatta KM.5,8 No.48 RT.30, Kel. Batu Ampar, Kec. Balikpapan Utara 76126
Atau email ke : hrd@laut-timur.co.id

Lowongan Administrasi

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:41 AM PDT

PT Adira Quantum Multifinance (Danamon Group), salah satu perusahaan consumer finance terbesar di Indonesia, lebih dari 300 outlet di bidang pembiayaan barang-barang konsumen, membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang menyukai tantangan, energik, dan  bermotivasi kerja tinggi untuk bergabung bersama kami dengan posisi sbb:
Administration Staff(Samarinda)
Pendidikan Min D3 semua jurusan
Diutamakan pengalaman di bidang administrasi minimal 1 tahun
Terampil mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
Teliti, cekatan, mampu bekerja sama dalam tim

Segera kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap anda ke email : recruitment_aqmf@adirakredit.co.id (max. file 900 kb), serta cantumkan kode posisi sebagai email subject dengan format sebagai berikut: Adm – IKK 1207
alamat Kantor Cabang:
Jl. A. Yani, Komp. Mitra Mas VIII Blok M 11, Samarinda

Vacancy Marketing

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 03:39 AM PDT

PT Perdana Perkasa Elastindo (PERSAELS)

Perusahaan outsoursing yang bergerak dalam bidang tenaga kerja, dan bekerjasama dengan Beberapa Perusahaan Besar, membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk di tempatkan di posisi sebagai berikut :

                            Marketing Staff (Location: Balikpapan)


1. Usia Max 28 tahun 

2. Laki-laki/Perempuan, Pendidikan min D3/S1

3. Minimal Pengalaman dalam bidang Marketing Asuransi 2 tahun

4. Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik (Good Knowledge) di bidang Asuransi

5. Bertanggung jawab, semangat kerja tinggi dan komunikasi skill yang baik

6. Penempatan di PT. Tugu Pratama Balikpapan

Status        : Karyawan Tetap (masa percobaan 3 bulan)
Salary        : Rp. 4.000.000 - Rp. 5.800.000
Fasilitas    :
-   Tunjangan Kesehatan : Rawat Jalan dan Rawat Inap

-   Apresiasi masa kerja setelah 10 tahun bekerja
-   Asuransi Pensiun (As. Jiwasraya dan As. Jiwa Tugu Mandiri)

-   Cuti 12 hari per tahun (akan muncul setelah 1 tahun bekerja)
-   Tunjangan Hari Raya (1 x THP)
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