Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Konstruksi PT Waskita Karya

Posted: 11 Jul 2012 05:41 PM PDT

PT Waskita Karya Kesempatan Berkarir Sebuah Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional terkemuka, membutuhkan tenaga berpengalaman untuk mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri : Quantity Surveyor (QS) Jakarta Raya Requirements: * Pria atau wanita usia maksimum 40 tahun * D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2.75 * Pengalaman [...]

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Konstruksi PT Waskita Karya is a post from: Job Vacancy (Lowongan Kerja)

Lowongan Kerja PT Acer Indonesia

Posted: 11 Jul 2012 05:39 PM PDT

Since its founding in 1976, Acer has achieved the goal of breaking the barriers between people and technology. Globally, Acer ranks No. 2 for total PCs and notebooks. A profitable and sustainable Channel Business Model is instrumental to the company’s continuing growth, while its multi-brand approach effectively integrates Acer, Gateway, Packard Bell, and eMachines brands [...]

Lowongan Kerja PT Acer Indonesia is a post from: Job Vacancy (Lowongan Kerja)

Lowongan Gudang Garam | PT Surya Madistrindo

Posted: 11 Jul 2012 05:33 PM PDT

PT. Surya Madistrindo is an subsidiary of PT. Gudang Garam Tbk. Our core business is to manage distributions of PT. Gudang Garam Tbk products. Due to expansive business needs, we are seeking young and dynamics individuals to join us. We are looking for talented people with a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the [...]

Lowongan Gudang Garam | PT Surya Madistrindo is a post from: Job Vacancy (Lowongan Kerja)

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